Get Britain Driving is designed to help pupils find trusted, qualified driving instructors to assist them in learning to drive and pass their practical driving test.
There are no “Cons” to being listed and in the future, as we gain more traffic, all driving instructors listed will benefit from Get Britain Driving by allowing pupils looking for driving lessons to find them.
Get Britain Driving is dedicated to the privacy of its users. As such your data will not be passed to any individual or company that is not part of Get Britain Driving. The only communication you will receive in relation to having a listing on Get Britain Driving is information directly from Get Britain Driving itself regarding the services we provide for you and only those associated with driving tuition or learning to drive.
Get Britain Driving has been set up by driving industry experts with the goal of improving the driving tuition industry both for instructors and pupils. This includes but is not limited to the safety of pupils, road safety, improving instructor earnings and providing tools to improve both the learning experience for pupils and help instructors manage their business.
Our long-term goal is to become the go-to website with all things related to teaching and learning to drive for the benefit of pupils and instructors.