Helping learners find the right driving instructor to pass their driving test!

Get Britain Driving is a trusted, independent platform where learner drivers can find the right driving instructor to be taught to drive.
There are no charges whatsoever. A driving instructor can add themselves and decide how they wish to be contacted whether its via their website, an enquiry form, email or text. Pupils can search for a local instructor that suits their needs and contact the instructor accordingly. There is no cost to the pupil or to the instructor.
Learners can enter their postcode or select their town to find their local driving instructors. From the results, learners can then filter instructors by manual and automatic, gender, reviews, availability and price – before contacting the instructor of their choice.
Finding the right driving instructor can be a minefield for both learners and parents/guardians. Get Britain Driving removes the stress and hassle of searching for the right instructor. Search our national platform of instructors to find the instructor that ticks all the boxes for your driving journey. Learners can then contact the instructor based on the instructors contact preference: Call, Text, Email, Website, Online Booking and Enquiry.
Get Britain Driving is completely free for driving instructors to be listed. There is no referral fee, no commission taken, no fee taken from the pupil, no subscription, nothing! As a national platform, instructors can select the areas they cover, set the price they want to charge and choose when they want to work. Recommendation is king, and instructors can VIP themselves by asking previous pupils to leave reviews and upload ‘pass success’ photos.